Saturday, 22 March 2014

Free sparing self defense training sessions

Knowing how to defend yourself is becoming a necessity like never before. Do you still feel safe in the world that we're living in? I guess if you're working in an office building, and never go outside, then this blog might be the most imported thing you need to see. Are you as fit as you need to be, cause a health body keeps a healthy mind.

Let me share some basic tips for if you're interested to start your own free sparing self defense training sessions in no time.

But before we get into the juice parts, I need to talk about protection. This is a contact sport, and you are training with the purpose to make extreme situations more predictable and manageable. There is no point in harming yourself in training rounds, and training can be hard on your body are some benefits of using protection, and you could still show up for work the next day. Here are the protection gear I use and recommend you use when attempt something like this.